We believe mobility is a fundamental right.
An environment where our users are neighbors & friends.

In the heart of Midwest, our office is more than just a workspace; it’s a hub of creativity and innovation.

The hike effect
What makes Hike different?
Delivering Accessible Care at Warp Speed
We believe that the most innovative technology should be accessible to everyone. This is why Hike works on any device, any where! Guaranteed rapid delivery.
Made in the USA
Our 3D print farm runs around the clock in Peoria, Illinois. We're passionate about building things in our communities.
The Field is our Textbook
Each member on our team (engineering, design, operations) has spent at least 80 hours in the field with our partner workforces. We believe true knowledge comes from our users.

Numbers speak, even if they're not everything

Medicare compliant
insoles delivered
Years of collective clinical experience
Experts ready to
help you
Generic insoles delivered
Illinois Community and Beyond
Get Started
We're committed to blue collar workforces

beyond business

At Hike Medical, our impact extends beyond business. We're deeply committed to making a positive difference in our workforce community and beyond.

From local initiatives to clinical contributions,  we're using our skills and resources to make the world a better, pain free place.

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